Displaced Scientists and Visitors

The Simons Foundation is supporting displaced scientists from Ukraine.

Up to now, the following displaced scientists have been supported for one-year positions as researchers at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics:

  • Nikolaj Glazunov, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Cybernetics, Ukraine
  • Oksana Kharchenko, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine
  • Misha Shkolnikov, University of Geneva, Switzerland


Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine

Oksana Kharchenko is a senior scientific researcher (since 2008) in KhNURE. She is a Doctor of Philosophy (specialty 05.12.17 – radio engineering and television systems) since 2007. Since 2019 Oksana is Associate Professor of the Department of Media Engineering and Information Radio Electronic Systems KhNURE.

Research interests:
Signal processing in radio systems: Mathematical Methods of Signals Standing out from Background High-intensity Noise, Biomedical Information Processing, Signals Processing, Information Technologys, Coding and Information Theory, Nonlinear filtering and the effect of stochastic resonance.

The winner of the competition of the Ukraine Ministry of defense «The Best Invention of the Year» – 2011.

Publications and patents:
90 papers, books, 4 patents.

Nikolaj M. Glazunov

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Cybernetics, Ukraine

Nikolaj Glazunov is a Professor in the Department of Electronics. Doctor of phys.-math. sci.,
senior scientific researcher.

Research interests:
Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry and its Applications, Nondifferentiable Optimization, String Theory and Quantum Gravity, Dynamical Systems, Computer Algebra. Validated Numerics, Artificial Intelligence and Data/Knowledge Bases.

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=7inh-j8AAAAJ&hl=en


University of Geneva, Switzerland

Misha Shkolnikov obtained his PhD degree from the University of Geneva, Switzerland in 2017 under the supervision of Grigory Mikhalkin. His PhD Thesis is: Tropical curves, convex domains, sandpiles and amoebas”.
Research interest:
Geometry, Topology, Combinatorics, Number Theory, Mathematical Physics
Early scientific achievements:

ICYS (International Conference for Young Scientists), I prize (2008);
ISEF(International Science and Engineering Fair), III prize (2008);
Baltic-SEF (Science and Engineering Fair), I prize (2008);
Student contest for algebra of Moscow State University, II prize (2009);
Summer Diffiety School B1 and B2 exam certificates, honour degree (2010);
Winter Diffiety School A1 and A2 exam certificates, honour degree (2011):
Student contest for algebra of Moscow State University, II prize (2011);
Rokhlin Grant of PDMI (2012)
Excellence master fellowship, University of Geneva (2012)

Richard Paul Horja

Department of Mathematics, University of Miami, USA 

Richard Paul Horja is a Senior Research Associate at the University of Miami since 2020. He obtained his PhD degree from Duke University under the supervision of David R. Morrison. His PhD Thesis is: “Hypergeometric Functions and Mirror Symmetry in Toric Varieties

He has held research positions as a postdoctoral fellow in Max–Planck–Institut Für Mathematik, Bonn, Germany, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Toronto, Canada, University of Vienna, Austria, University of Miami, USA.

Research interest:
Algebraic geometry, mirror symmetry and interactions with mathematical physics, and in particular with string theory.