Invariant distances and metrics in complex analysis

July 12, 2023 - July 14, 2023

This workshop will gather about 15 researchers around a central theme of the geometric properties of various distances and metric of domains in Cn (squeezing function, Gromov hyperbolicity, visibility of geodesics) as well as related subjects.

The event is organized by Nikolai Nikolov (Sofia) and Pascal J. Thomas (Toulouse).


O. Bakkacha (PhD student, Grenoble), G. Bharali (Bangalore), F. Bracci (Rome), S. Dinew (Krakow), Z. Dinew (Krakow), M. Fiacchi (Pisa), J.E. Fornaess (Trondheim), H. Gaussier (Grenoble), L. Kosinski (Krakow), N. Nikolov (Sofia), A.Y. Ökten (PhD student, Toulouse), M. Tombinski (PhD student, Krakow), P.J. Thomas (Toulouse), E.F. Wold (Oslo), A. Zimmer (Madison-Wisconsin), S. Zehao (PhD student, Grenoble),  W. Zwonek (Krakow).

Published On: October 10, 2022Categories:
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