The international workshop “Recent Developments in Stochastic Processes” (RDSP 2023) was held from 27 to 29 March, 2023 in Sofia, Bulgaria. The event was part of the scientific programme of the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences – Sofia (ICMS) and was jointly organized by the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IMI-BAS) and the Faculty Mathematics and Informatics, Sofa University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria (FMI-SU), with the assistance of the Bulgarian Statistical Society.

The main objective of the workshop was to introduce the scientific and educational community in Bulgaria to some of the latest advances in modern probability theory, with a special emphasis on stochastic processes. RDSP 2023 brought together world-leading experts from different subfields of contemporary probability theory and promising young researches. The Scientific Committee invited a group of distinguished mathematicians whose research covers a wide range of topics such as random graph theory, percolation theory, potential theory, statistical physics, harmonic analysis, stochastic dynamical systems, computational statistics, stochastic processes with non-Markovian components, Lévy processes, etc.

Around sixty participants from both academia and industry took part in the workshop over the three days, including people at different stages of their research careers. The event was attended by graduate students, PhD candidates, postdocs and assistant professors at the beginning of their academic paths, keeping up with the goal of shaping the future of the Bulgarian stochastic community. Nikolay Yanev, Professor Emeritus at IMI-BAS, was an honorary guest at the conference and his talk, dedicated to the 120 th anniversary of Andrey N. Kolmogorov, intertwined historical notes and personal stories while presenting new results in the classical theory of branching processes.

Peter Boyvalenkov, Director of IMI-BAS, gave an opening address in which he outlined the many initiatives that IMI-BAS and ICMS in particular have undertaken to develop and disseminate cutting-edge mathematical knowledge, an important part of which is RDSP 2023.

The workshop “Recent Developments in Stochastic Processes” was held with the support of the Simons Foundation and the Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria – PIKOM Scientific Programme.

Information about all the speakers, as well as the titles and abstracts of their talks, can be found at: